Holistic Naturopath Services & Fees

You are an individual and your needs and sensitivities may differ significantly from other individuals. On our first meeting, we will spend between 60 to 90 minutes together. I will be educating and guiding you rather than "treating," as that word is reserved for licensed medical doctors, which I am not. Depending on your health condition, we may check your heart rate, blood pressure, bodyweight and/or body fat percentage. Additionally, it would be helpful if you bring, fax or send copies of any medical lab work performed within the last year. If you don't have any recent lab work, I can suggest some specific tests that you can ask your medical doctor to order. If you don't have a primary care doctor, I can offer a referral.

In order to understand your specific health condition, weaknesses and requirements, I will need some information about you prior to your full subsequent consultation (second visit). I may perform several additional tests, some of which may include:

  • Expert analysis of your blood chemistry to discover physiological/nutritional imbalances
  • Analysis of urine and saliva to determine cellular pH and organ system stress.
  • A very in-depth symptom and lifestyle analysis
  • Adrenal reaction tests to determine your ability to adapt to stress
  • An assessment of your current food choices
  • Hair mineral analysis & urine testing to determine tissue mineral levels/ratios
  • Free radical calculation analysis
  • Neurotransmitter imbalance testing
  • Digestive & stool analysis testing for candida & parasitic infestation
  • Muscle response testing
  • Structural, postural & musculoskeletal screening
  • Body Composition: weight, body fat %, muscle, bone and water weight

I also perform fitness and functional assessments including strength, stamina, flexibility, balance and proprioception (neuromuscular coordination).

Additional tests which may be recommended, through affiliate medical personnel, are food sensitivity panels, comprehensive hormone testing, special blood tests and urine challenge test to determine toxic metal loads.

I will spend two to three hours evaluating your specific health data before our follow-up meeting, providing you with a personalized 70- to 100-page report that will feature report of findings, corrective recommendations and validation of those recommendations. This report will serve as a permanent reference of our meeting that you can have reviewed by any medical personnel of your choosing.

In addition to diet, herbs, nutritional supplements, exercise and stress reduction methods, I will discuss with you the concepts of detoxification and many other healing modalities as they apply to your individual needs.

It is often beneficial for you to bring your spouse, partner or other family member, if this person may be involved in your healing process.

It would be helpful to keep a one- or two-week diet log so that I can discuss what changes may be needed with regard to your current food choices.

Please allow about 90 minutes for your follow-up visit. Oftentimes the consultation will run somewhat less than this, but it is important that you not feel rushed. This may seem like quite a lot of time; however, it will pass very quickly, as there is a great deal of information to be discussed.

Please bring with you or provide me with a list of all nutritional supplements you are currently taking.

Prerequisite Concepts

  1. If making substantive changes in your lifestyle is something you are not willing to do, I cannot help you.
  2. If you are not willing to make an investment in certain foods, appliances (juicers, blenders, etc.) and nutritional supplements which your body needs, then your body may not be able to heal itself.
  3. You must understand that YOU are by far the most important part of your wellness program. You must believe that your life is important and that you have the right to live your life for your own sake.
  4. You have helped bring your body to its current state of "health;" only you can alter its course.
  5. It often takes many years of being mistreated before the body begins to show major symptoms. This is especially true for diseases like cancer, arthritis, heart disease, Alzheimer's, diabetes, etc. Do not expect your body to be able to completely reverse the many years of damage overnight. It may take several weeks or months to overcome the damage the body has sustained because of the years of abuse.
  6. Your body is an extraordinary "machine." If you give it the correct ingredients and adequate time, it can work wonders for you.
  7. I am a complementary health care practitioner. My care is adjunctive to your medical doctor, not a substitute. We work closely with a consulting medical doctor and may consult with your primary care doctor, if necessary.

Only if you can accept these seven concepts, you have what it takes to begin your guided journey toward better health. Always feel free to ask many questions along the way. Remember that you are doing this for yourself. You will reap the benefits of your hard work with improved health. I will do everything possible to help you get there. As "wellness is not a part-time job," I will not wish you luck, because luck has nothing to do with it. Willpower, patience and perseverance are the keys.

Additional Holistic Healthcare Services

Healthy Weight Loss Program - after establishing your metabolic type, I can design a healthful, nutritionally sound diet plan and exercise program that will help you reduce your body fat while increasing energy capacity.

Fitness Assessment - I will establish a fitness baseline, measuring strength, cardiovascular, flexibility, balance and coordination, then create an appropriate customized program that fits your needs and time constraints.

Medical Exercise Evaluation, Instruction and Program Design - I will create an exercise regimen based on any structural or muscular imbalances, physical limitations and medical or physiological conditions.

Custom Comprehensive Blood Testing, Geronomics Comprehensive (GC) - Comprehensive Cardiometabolic blood test including inflammatory markers, blood sugar factors, lipids, full thyroid panel and Vitamin D.


Initial Office Visit - New Patients (60 - 90 minutes)


  • Dietary and lifestyle evaluation and recommendations
  • In-depth symptom analysis
  • Preliminary blood chemistry evaluation
  • Discussion of clinical conditions and concerns
  • Natural therapeutic recommendations


Comprehensive Health Assessment - Three Visits (New Patients)


  • Initial 60- to 90-minute office visit
  • Second Visit: 60- to 90-minute follow-up consultation
  • Third Visit: 30- to 40-minute follow-up consultation conducted within six weeks of second visit
  • In-depth blood chemistry analysis
  • Dietary and lifestyle evaluation and recommendations
  • In-office food sensitivity screening of 15-20 common foods
  • Hair mineral analysis and evaluation
  • Free radical and oxidative stress testing
  • Bioelectrical impedance body composition testing
  • Blood pressure and pulse check
  • Metabolic temperature assessment
  • Adrenal reaction assessment
  • pH (acid/alkaline) testing of urine and saliva
  • An initial exercise prescription

(a $175 savings)

  • Includes a 70- to 100-page binder report

A $150.00 value

Subsequent office visits

30 minutes: $75
60 minutes: $125
90 minutes: $175

Biofeedback and Affirmative Thought Mind-Body Training

Initial 90-minute session $250
Subsequent sessions    $125
Five-session package   $595
   (a $155 savings; includes
    FREE loaner of portable unit for one month)

Ten Session Package - integrating Biofeedback, Affirmative Thought Training (ATT), Guided Imagery, Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)


Exercise Instruction, Medical, Post-rehabilitative, Corrective Exercise

$75 per session 1x/week
$65 per session 2x or more/week

Hair Mineral Analysis

$150 (includes up to 20-minute follow-up interpretation and recommendations)

Bioimpedance Body Composition Analysis


pH Testing (includes test strips)


Far Infrared Sauna Treatments

One session $25
Five-session package $100
Ten-session package $150
Fifteen-session package $200
Twenty-session package $250

In-office Food Sensitivity Screening of 15-20 Common Foods

$55 plus office visit

Cash, checks, MasterCard, VISA, Discover, American Express & Debit Cards accepted. In New Jersey, neither nutritional or naturopathic counseling are currently recognized by conventional insurance companies or Medicare. Therefore, my fees are not covered by these providers.

Always remember that only your body has the ability to heal itself. My job is to educate you. With the necessary knowledge, you can support your body and regain the strength and energy needed to live life to your fullest potential. If you can make the commitment to diligently stick to the wellness program, the rewards may change your life.

CANCELLATIONS OR MISSED APPOINTMENTS: If within 48 hours of your scheduled appointment time you need to cancel or reschedule your appointment for any reason, a $75 non-refundable deposit will be charged to your credit card at the time of rescheduling and will be applied toward your rescheduled appointment.

Holistic Naturopathic Center

Holistic Medicine, Alternative Medicine, Holistic Health Care, Naturopathy in New Jersey
256 Colfax Avenue • Clifton, NJ 07013 • P: 973-471-5758 • F: 973-471-1776 • E: NJnaturaldoc@aol.com

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